The MakeCode Newsletter

Welcome to the newsletter devoted to Microsoft MakeCode, the easy but powerful block and Javascript code creator. We include MakeCode news, highlights, information, happenings, hardware, and more from around the globe.
If you’d like to receive this newsletter via email early each month, sign up here.
Missed a previous issue? No worries, you can check out the archive right here!
MakeCode for the micro:bit - 2021 Release

The 2021 updates to MakeCode for the micro:bit are out! Some of the features are listed below and more can be found at MakeCode.
- One-click Download
- Accessibility
- Updated banner
- Data logging extension
- Functions with array parameters
- New micro:bit tutorials
- Updates to Loops - While loop and Every time interval
- Text coding not available in Windows app

MakeCode’s tutorials include translated read alouds and parts of speech highlighting - Twitter.

Accessibility features in MakeCode - offline access, sight impaired options, immersive reader, translation to a long list of languages, to name a few - Twitter.
70 Make it: Code it projects are available in both MakeCode blocks and Python

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation notes that 70 of their Make it: Code it projects are available in both MakeCode blocks and Python. In the project pages, you can easily switch between block and text code versions of the same programs - microbit.org and Twitter.
The New MakeCode Insiders Club

Announcing the MakeCode Insiders Club! MakeCode is recruiting teens interested in:
- influencing product development
- meeting teens across the country
- making connections at Microsoft
Learn more about becoming part of the weekly Insiders club - Microsoft.
The Micro:bit Virtual Concert Robots

The Microsoft Virtual Concert had people worldwide making singing robots with MakeCode! There are so many creative entries. More can be read on Twitter via #MicrobitVirtualConcert and in this Twitter thread. A video of the entries is available - Vimeo.
Educational Spotlight: Building connections in any learning environment with Teams

From Microsoft Education: Building connections in any learning environment with Teams - Microsoft Education Blog.
MakeCode Minute

From the archives: Faux VU Meter - YouTube.
Check out all the MakeCode Minute videos on YouTube.
MakeCode Arcade Game of the Week!

From the archives: Shark Frenzy by Cosmoscowboy.
Check out all the MakeCode Arcade Game of the Week videos on YouTube.
Latest Videos with Microsoft MakeCode

Microsoft has livestreams on MakeCode topics every week. Catch them on Twitch and see their schedule.

You can see recordings of past events via YouTube.
News from around the web!

Making a mechanical coin bank with LEGO, micro:bit and KittenBot’s Robotbit and Geekservo. Coding is done in MakeCode - Twitter.

MakeCode Kids learning about coding and electronics. Their smart world. Coffee shop meet-up - YouTube and Reddit.

Make an Operation game with micro:bit and MakeCode - Brown Dog Gadgets and Twitter.

Prototyping a micro:bit activity for shark day at PS Science summer camp - Twitter.

Make a game to relax and work out a little bit? Check out what we made with Meowbit, micro:bit, MakeCode Arcade, and the wireless SD module - Twitter.

MakeCode Arcade on micro:bit - Twiter.

Making a BBC micro:bit Pedestrian Crossing with lights and sound - Kitronik and Twitter.

Making rudimentary heartbeat sensors and breath sensors using Adafruit Circuit Playground Express and MakeCode - Twitter.

micro:bit Mars Rover with Strawbees! Features rotating SuperCam with laser, robotic arm for sample collecting, & wheels designed for exploring the Martian terrain! Programmed in
MakeCode - Twitter.

Learn how to write code for Kitronik ZIP LEDs using MakeCode for micro:bit - Twitter and Kitronik.

Trying something new and trying to get it to sync with the music if possible. It’s taking a lot of work but I found opera to be the best since I can only make it mouth “O” sounds I guess - Twitter.
#ICYDNCI What was the most popular, most clicked link, in last month’s newsletter? micro:bit incremental/clicker game development in the MakeCode IDE. And see the entire library of past newsletters here.
Guides using MakeCode
This issue, we’re going to featue some of the best guides using MakeCode from the Adafruit Learning System

Go Fishing with Rotary Encoders

Trash Panda: The Game

Custom Controllers for MakeCode Arcade
Check out all MakeCode guides on learn.adafruit.com.
New Extensions

Exciting new update to micro:bit! With V2 and a new extension, you can now collect and record data, storing it on the micro:bit. It will be great to test this out! - Twitter and YouTube.
New Hardware

The Yahboom world of module programmable robot sensor kit for micro:bit V2/V1.5 boards - Yahboom.
Resources for Educators and more!
If we missed any resources, please let us know on GitHub, we’ll be updating this list each newsletter.
Join the MakeCode Discussions on Discord

The Adafruit Discord community has a dedicated #makecode channel to discuss all things MakeCode, seek advice, etc. - Join us now.
What is Microsoft MakeCode?

Microsoft MakeCode is a free, open source platform for creating engaging computer science learning experiences that support a progression path into real-world programming - YouTube.

An interactive simulator provides students with immediate feedback on how their program is running and makes it easy to test and debug their code.
Block Editor

Students new to coding can start with colored blocks that they can drag and drop onto their workspace to construct their programs.
JavaScript Editor

When they are ready, students can move into a full-featured JavaScript editor with code snippets, tooltips, and error detection to help them.
MakeCode Arcade

Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is a web-based beginner-friendly code editor to create retro arcade games for the web and for microcontrollers. In this guide, you will learn how to assemble your own Arcade hardware from different parts. MakeCode Arcade is open source, and on GitHub.

Microsoft has produced an excellent overview video of MakeCode Arcade - YouTube.
The MakeCode Newsletter is a community-run newsletter with support from Microsoft. The complete archives are here. Contributions are welcome! Please make pull request to modify the latest draft from inside the _drafts
directory on GitHub.